We human are most privileged to use this planet in our own rights and we tend to believe that all we have in this earth to be consumed by humans and therefore we could exploit it. But in fact we have the same and equal right with tiny ants, termites and all the other creatures and they also have the same right as we are.
Maybe we might call ourselves most advanced and compassionate species on earth. But in fact we are the most lethal and cruellest animal living on this planet.
Because we have larger brains and so called intelligent, we tend to brutally dominate this world, taken way other creature’s right to exist and gradually destroying this beautiful planet.
We have false belief that we are trying to support the existence of other species in this planet by conserving them, but in reality we are trying to protect it from our own distraction.
Just because we are the most advanced creatures in this planet, do we have more right to do anything? Can we kill other creatures and use them for our own benefit?
How about if there is another even more advanced and intelligent creatures suddenly came in to existence and decide that they will take us to end up in their dinner plate?