Thursday, September 30, 2010

Boundaries that create principles and personalities.!

We all have various forms of invisible boundaries within us. These boundaries work as the basic blueprint which governs our interaction within the society and within the personal space.

This same blue print create our life's principles which makes us to like or dislike to certain things.
Makes us to have a political opinion, food, drinks, culture, and anything we do, say, or have opinion about. 
Eventually with all of these, there creates a person with a personality.

I recognized that there are 3 main sources makes us to inherit these boundaries 

 1) Our own genetics makeup and due to this what we feel inside us.

 2) Our social up bringing which is mainly inherited from our parents, personal experiences,friends and relatives. 

3) Created by our own mind by acquiring the perceptions and observations then personal theories built upon them.

This last factor plays an important role in making a person who stand out of the crowd to have own philosophy and principles. These are the people who are creators, philosophers, people who think out of the box or visionaries etc. 

Next time when you don't like that piece gherkin in your cheese burger just think why don't you like it..!

it must be one of above 3 reasons.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What if.....We all are in a dream.?

What if….

What if we don’t exist at all but our consciousness only exists in absolute reality.!
Yes..! Seriously, there is a strong possibility that it could be that.

Although I mention this here, I am not the first one who thought the possibility of this. There are people in many ages considered this as a real possibility.

If you don’t agree, just think about these facts;

1)      Time is a concept! A concept within our mind and brain function. Imagine, if we don’t have a sense of time, how do we know the time is passing? Then, would you be able to determine that if there is a beginning and end to anything?
According to the Einstein’s theory of relativity, time is not an absolute. Therefore, time is a subjective matter.

If a small mouse has two years of lifetime and within this two year period, he grows up, find a partner, breed, raise offspring and see the “grand kids” as well. Finally, die in old age. All of these events happen within this two year period. This period is a lifetime for that little mouse!
How do we know if this seems as a 100 year life for that mouse?
Have you noticed, when you were in a boring lecture, the time moves extremely slow? Is that a problem with the clock? No.!
Our brain plays lime slower and tells you that this torture never ends, so, get out now.!

2)      Matter do not exists in absence of our consciousness. If you do not agree, just try to understand some Quantum Physics and the measurement problem, or just watch this link for an easy understanding.

What I am trying say is something like this, your tools and your car do not exist when you close your garage door and no one is inside the garage. The mountains and the ocean do not exist when no one is consciously aware about them. All are illusions within our consciousness.

If above two are correct, there is no past future and present in absolute reality. All exist at the same time. But they all are paralleled processes. Our story of life is already told. But we are in the process of viewing that process unfolding.
It is like we do have a movie on a DVD, the story is already told and whole story exists at once in it. There is no time involved. When we watch it, time passes. If we know how, we should be able to move freely past and future. Also, if we know how we should be able to change our life story by changing our conscious expectations.

If you have a valid contrary to this, please do challenge this concept, or if you see in a different prospect with any valid reasons, please let me know. I like to see things in other dimensions. Why? Because, I know I am not perfect.!