Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Fundamental duties as human beings in the planet Earth....

Regardless of what ever the spiritual belief we may have in the life before or after it, we have a set of duties and responsibilities we need to fulfill for just being a human in this world.
This could be different from person to person depending on their views. However, when we come to the common domain applied to us all, there is five fold duties in front of us.

1)  Be with good moral conduct and develop spiritual/moral practices to much higher levels towards as much as possible selflessness.

2) Have strong good relationship with the other beings and the environment and not being a burden to them.

3)  Gather wealth in a legal and a reasonable manner while being least harmful to the No. 2

4)  Raise, both generous and socially responsible children.

5)  Be reasonably generous, considerate and care for less privileged fellow beings.

I believe that many other duties and responsibilities may be included within one or more of the above 5.
If you comply with all above, you will never see yourself as a wasted and useless life in your dying bed.