Saturday, December 05, 2009

Selfish and Selfless world

In the wild, selfishness is a strategy of survival. This is an extremely valid policy when the basic necessities are short in supply. Also is a valid mechanism for every living thing which include plants.
After millions of years of evolution, we are who we are today, largely due to the selfishness we had within ourselves throughout our evolutional history.
As this remains a fact of life, which is built in to our natural instincts, we cannot blame ourselves for being selfish.
Now, if this is a part of the very nature we are born with, and therefore we can't help being selfish, then aren't we all just innocent beings?

Well..we cannot escape this question that easy.! As human we have another piece of "jigsaw" built into us, which plays a very important role being a human.
That is our intelligence.!  If we can call us human, we can consider us as “intelligent beings”. That is why we have law and order in place, build complicated systems, machines, political and social systems etc.
May be still we can identify us as animals in biological terms. However, in psychological terms we are far and far away from animals.  Certainly we are in an exclusive club of “Advanced Beings”. And we are still evolving.
If you carefully noticed the last few thousands of years of human history, we have come very far away from our original point and in a much better position than our ancestors; not only in technological advancements but also in our moral and  social makeup. This is a sign of more of a psychological evolution. We have passed a brutal and unforgiving social system to a much more tolerant and generous social system which is still evolving. We can see clearly that this evolution brought us more towards selflessness.
Of course it is not perfect and you can see few of them moving to backward direction. As this backward movement is within a minority, we can see that larger majority is fighting back to turn this around.
This has come to effect largely due to the development of empathy within us.  

Therefore, I can clearly point out that being more generous is a part of our evolution towards being “Advanced” and end of the line is to complete this process to be as much as possible closer to total selflessness;  In other words, achieving one important qualification to be an “advanced Civilization”.

What I mean here as selflessness is not the theory inclined to "I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine" idea, which still found in the jungle, but more into "How do I feel if I try your shoes".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Fundamental duties as human beings in the planet Earth....

Regardless of what ever the spiritual belief we may have in the life before or after it, we have a set of duties and responsibilities we need to fulfill for just being a human in this world.
This could be different from person to person depending on their views. However, when we come to the common domain applied to us all, there is five fold duties in front of us.

1)  Be with good moral conduct and develop spiritual/moral practices to much higher levels towards as much as possible selflessness.

2) Have strong good relationship with the other beings and the environment and not being a burden to them.

3)  Gather wealth in a legal and a reasonable manner while being least harmful to the No. 2

4)  Raise, both generous and socially responsible children.

5)  Be reasonably generous, considerate and care for less privileged fellow beings.

I believe that many other duties and responsibilities may be included within one or more of the above 5.
If you comply with all above, you will never see yourself as a wasted and useless life in your dying bed.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Place better than Heaven.!

If we are given a choice between heaven and hell, I’m sure everyone  would pick the Heaven unless anyone is thinking beyond the accepted way of thinking.
Then, how about this?  If I say, there is a better place than the best ever imaginable heaven!
Would you agree?
The concept of the "heavenness" or "hellness" is solely depends on the level of positive or negative emotions one gets. As I explained in my earlier post, the root of every emotion is desire.!  Nothing else.!
Now, Can the level of emotion be limitless? If this is to be limitless, then the Heaven or Hell would not be able to satisfy the needs of the emotions. In that case, can we call it heaven? 
But as we all know the accepted concept is, that the heaven is a place of maximum happiness.!  OK.! Let's leave that aside and bring our attention to the place better than the Heaven.

To begin, let's see how a person expected to be being treated in the heaven? Of course, that would be the full of "foods" to fulfill their desire, in order to keep them extremely happy.
Now, let's think for a moment that we know every individual being is so different when we come to consider the amount of needs in order to make them fulfilled. for example, you see the perfect meal is not the same for everyone. The amount of sugar in your tea or coffee for a perfect "cup" is not same for everyone. - Consider the quality & quantity not the variation-
This shows that to be fully satisfied which is in other words to get to the very peak of the happiness or heavenness, the amount required ingredients are varies among people. Which means your heaven is not my heaven and your hell would not be my hell.
Then we can conclude that the level of desire determines the state of heaven. 
Now imagine that if we can reduce the level of desire to a zero or to absolutely nothing; we do not care about heaven or hell. Do we?
After all if we do not have a desire, do we need any fulfillment and therefore a heaven?
Ponder this; If a monkey do not have a desire for a bungee jump, does he care for if he has or not the opportunity for it.?
If a person gets a pleasure from someone scraching his litchi rash, does anyone wish to have that same rash in his back in order to enjoy that pleasure?
Therefore the conclusion is, in the state of not being in Heaven nor in the hell is like being out of the box. Isn't that a third place where you can be.?

I wonder if, we can call this Nirvana..? 

Happiness ever growing desire Basket.!

Happiness.! that is the best thing a person (which include Animals) can achieve. No matter how you could try to explain,the sole purpose of life is to pursue happiness.
Happiness is always achieved when a certain desire or desires fulfilled with the desired ingredients.In other words, if desire is an empty container filling that emptiness with the desired ingredients will create happiness.
Full satisfaction or fulfillment is the ultimate happiness which has no happiness beyond.
Now, the problem we have is the fact that we cannot retain that happiness forever, due to two reasons.
1) The effectiveness of the ingredients we provide would not be remained constant due to decay.
2) The "emptiness" of the "container" will grow even bigger soon after we reached the peak of happiness.
Out of those two reasons, the 2nd one is the most powerful and makes a profound effect on our lives.

Every problem and every effect we face, every technology bit we create on this earth is due to the 2nd reason.The mother of all problems we have is the reason number two. Why? because every desire we fulfill will create more and more desires to be fulfilled.  Which goes on and on and will never ends.!

Right.! Are you with me so far.? Now, As I mentioned above, the root to the all happiness or unhappiness is nothing else but desire.! Now, one can ask, where do we get this desire from and why?  The answer is they all are within us.! They are coming from our sensory system and the brain. We are the "toys" of that system.!

Can we escape from that and be happy forever?  Yes.! Theoretically we should be able to do that.
Then How?
There are two ways,
1) Keep providing those "ingredients" to fulfill the desire as long as it needs them.
2) Stop the growing "empty space" by controlling the desire or cheating it.

we know that we all are day and night trying harder to achieve the number one. that is why you are at work, that is why you are running a business, invention, almost anything you do. Are we successful ? you decide.!
How about No. 2 ? Can we try that? In my openion, that is not going to be that easy. We can try to hold or hide our desire but not very long.
Certainly we can cheat temporarily with the help of drugs alcohol etc. But for how long? when we are back to reality, you will find things are even worst.

In any case, if we are to achieve total happiness by implementing one of the above 2 methods, only the 2nd method is the most practical and achievable if we have the right technique in our hands.

Can a religion provide this technique? I dont know.!

According to my understanding, Buddhism provides a method. But I have not practiced enough or achieved enough yet.! It makes lot of sense, but I cannot speak for that.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pleasure is best enjoyed, when mixed with another.!

Pleasure is something we get or experienced by one of our 5 senses, plus the brain.!
If one wants to enjoy a certain sense to get a higher level of pleasure, it is best obtained by getting another sense's help to compliment it, or variation of the same sense.
Examples: Food is best enjoyed when you are in a beautiful surroundings and very nice music. Also it is a fact that the taste of the food is improved when mixed with different tastes.
For some people, watching Sport is best enjoyed when you have a beer for brain stimulation.
Sex is best enjoyed, when you are in strong love with the other person, Clean and smells good, surrounding is romantic etc.
Movie is best enjoyed when picture quality, the sound quality and surroundings are better. and also having pop corns too.
Music is better enjoyed when it is performed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Big bang and Small Bangs.!

If the universe happened due to the big bang, then everything inside it happens due to the results of that first bang.! therefore, all the other "bangs", even our thoughts should happens due to that first bang.!

Do we get thoughts spontaniously.? without any cause to occour that??
When you have a "Good Idea" did you think about it where did that come from?? May be it is due to a result of another, another and another thought....or seeing something triggered some other thought etc.

Can you predict what would you think next.? I guess no one can do that.!
If it is so, Are we just being animated by someother unseen force..?
I think all are it happening due to the "Big Bang".!
Aren't we bit like a computer and the software running inside it.?

If that is so, do we have a free will at all..?

One may think that there is a higher power controlling us. But saying that can we escape the question.??? Who or what controls that higher power..??

After writing above blog, I wanted to think more about this. And I went to Beryessa library park.
The idea I got is a concept from the Buddhist texts,
Which is basically saying that, all everything around us is conditioned by other stuffs around us, then they works according to the collective force of those conditions. Example: the trees grows according to their genetic makeups but that is not the only factor, the earth conditions, weather, gravity, amount and direction of light ect. contributes to it's overall outcome. In similar manner we may get our thoughts and decisions due to the conditions surrounded us, which include our level of desire and past experiences.
You can get some idea about the Buddhist concept here,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why do people want to share their Religion and Politics, but not their bread and butter.?

If you see everywhere in any country, people are very keen to recruit more people to their religion or their party politics. No matter how harder they guard those ideology, still they want more recruits.
However, when it comes to share other resources; no matter how abundant they are, many are reluctant to share it.
This is not due to their generocity that they give us a true religion or more fairer politics. But instead due to their own selfish thinking.
They are afraid that one day their ideology would disappear and then they wont be able to keep it for generations to come, and therefore to gain the number power to gain more desired outcomes.
Simply, people wish to live in their world filled with certain ideology and they like to see those ideology remain stronger even after their death. Many have desire running beyond their graves and they keep forgetting that the death is the end of all that.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Good and Bad is nothing but creation of our own Emotions.!

In this whole universe, there is no good or bad things or events. It is something like, If there is a stone on the ground, and can you determine if it is a good or bad? For most of us; who cares? donsent matter.! That means it doesn't matter in this question it is not relevant.
Also, the breeze move some leaves in a tree. Does it matter to determine it to be good or bad? No.!

Similarly, all events happen and things existed in this universe is just unimportant as long as we don't bring our emotions into the picture.
As soon as we bring our emotion get attached to it, it becomes one of the two.
For an example, someone is hit by another, then it becomes bad for the person being hit and it could be good for the hitter. Also it could be (depends on the reason being hit) bad for many other third parties as long as they try their emotions in the hurt persons viewpoint. It could be other way around too.

Therefore, every policy and every law we make, every religion we follow makes absolutely useless and no requirement if we don't have emotions.

All beings running on their emotions without it they would be like mountains, snow and etc.

Also, we can make a conclusion the soul or conciseness, where ever it existed it is definitely based on emotion.