Thursday, September 10, 2009

Good and Bad is nothing but creation of our own Emotions.!

In this whole universe, there is no good or bad things or events. It is something like, If there is a stone on the ground, and can you determine if it is a good or bad? For most of us; who cares? donsent matter.! That means it doesn't matter in this question it is not relevant.
Also, the breeze move some leaves in a tree. Does it matter to determine it to be good or bad? No.!

Similarly, all events happen and things existed in this universe is just unimportant as long as we don't bring our emotions into the picture.
As soon as we bring our emotion get attached to it, it becomes one of the two.
For an example, someone is hit by another, then it becomes bad for the person being hit and it could be good for the hitter. Also it could be (depends on the reason being hit) bad for many other third parties as long as they try their emotions in the hurt persons viewpoint. It could be other way around too.

Therefore, every policy and every law we make, every religion we follow makes absolutely useless and no requirement if we don't have emotions.

All beings running on their emotions without it they would be like mountains, snow and etc.

Also, we can make a conclusion the soul or conciseness, where ever it existed it is definitely based on emotion.

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