Monday, September 14, 2009

Why do people want to share their Religion and Politics, but not their bread and butter.?

If you see everywhere in any country, people are very keen to recruit more people to their religion or their party politics. No matter how harder they guard those ideology, still they want more recruits.
However, when it comes to share other resources; no matter how abundant they are, many are reluctant to share it.
This is not due to their generocity that they give us a true religion or more fairer politics. But instead due to their own selfish thinking.
They are afraid that one day their ideology would disappear and then they wont be able to keep it for generations to come, and therefore to gain the number power to gain more desired outcomes.
Simply, people wish to live in their world filled with certain ideology and they like to see those ideology remain stronger even after their death. Many have desire running beyond their graves and they keep forgetting that the death is the end of all that.

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