Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Big bang and Small Bangs.!

If the universe happened due to the big bang, then everything inside it happens due to the results of that first bang.! therefore, all the other "bangs", even our thoughts should happens due to that first bang.!

Do we get thoughts spontaniously.? without any cause to occour that??
When you have a "Good Idea" did you think about it where did that come from?? May be it is due to a result of another, another and another thought....or seeing something triggered some other thought etc.

Can you predict what would you think next.? I guess no one can do that.!
If it is so, Are we just being animated by someother unseen force..?
I think all are it happening due to the "Big Bang".!
Aren't we bit like a computer and the software running inside it.?

If that is so, do we have a free will at all..?

One may think that there is a higher power controlling us. But saying that can we escape the question.??? Who or what controls that higher power..??

After writing above blog, I wanted to think more about this. And I went to Beryessa library park.
The idea I got is a concept from the Buddhist texts,
Which is basically saying that, all everything around us is conditioned by other stuffs around us, then they works according to the collective force of those conditions. Example: the trees grows according to their genetic makeups but that is not the only factor, the earth conditions, weather, gravity, amount and direction of light ect. contributes to it's overall outcome. In similar manner we may get our thoughts and decisions due to the conditions surrounded us, which include our level of desire and past experiences.
You can get some idea about the Buddhist concept here, http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/karma.htm

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