Saturday, December 05, 2009

Selfish and Selfless world

In the wild, selfishness is a strategy of survival. This is an extremely valid policy when the basic necessities are short in supply. Also is a valid mechanism for every living thing which include plants.
After millions of years of evolution, we are who we are today, largely due to the selfishness we had within ourselves throughout our evolutional history.
As this remains a fact of life, which is built in to our natural instincts, we cannot blame ourselves for being selfish.
Now, if this is a part of the very nature we are born with, and therefore we can't help being selfish, then aren't we all just innocent beings?

Well..we cannot escape this question that easy.! As human we have another piece of "jigsaw" built into us, which plays a very important role being a human.
That is our intelligence.!  If we can call us human, we can consider us as “intelligent beings”. That is why we have law and order in place, build complicated systems, machines, political and social systems etc.
May be still we can identify us as animals in biological terms. However, in psychological terms we are far and far away from animals.  Certainly we are in an exclusive club of “Advanced Beings”. And we are still evolving.
If you carefully noticed the last few thousands of years of human history, we have come very far away from our original point and in a much better position than our ancestors; not only in technological advancements but also in our moral and  social makeup. This is a sign of more of a psychological evolution. We have passed a brutal and unforgiving social system to a much more tolerant and generous social system which is still evolving. We can see clearly that this evolution brought us more towards selflessness.
Of course it is not perfect and you can see few of them moving to backward direction. As this backward movement is within a minority, we can see that larger majority is fighting back to turn this around.
This has come to effect largely due to the development of empathy within us.  

Therefore, I can clearly point out that being more generous is a part of our evolution towards being “Advanced” and end of the line is to complete this process to be as much as possible closer to total selflessness;  In other words, achieving one important qualification to be an “advanced Civilization”.

What I mean here as selflessness is not the theory inclined to "I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine" idea, which still found in the jungle, but more into "How do I feel if I try your shoes".

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